
The Islands of Malta are well known for their beauty and historical wonders.  There is a massive amount of places and things to see and do once arriving in the Islands of Malta. People would only be limited by their imaginations.

History buffs would love a vacation here and possibly visit Gozo and see the Ggantija Temples that date back to 3600 – 3200 BC or the Xaghra Stone Circle dating back to 3000 – 2500 BC, with tombs dating back to 4100 – 3800 BC. Visitors also enjoy seeing Saint Mary’s Tower which dates back to 1618 and was built by Vittorio Cassar, a military engineer. This does not even begin to express the beauty of all the villages that can be visited that are contained within the three islands.

The island of Malta is the largest of the three islands located in the centre of the Mediterranean Sea. It is 95 square miles in size and has a population of 452,515, and is located 58 miles south of Sicily. The landscape consists of low hills with tiered fields. The climate of the island is warm and Mediterranean.

Comino lies between Malta and Gozo and is the smallest of the three islands. It is 1.4 square miles with a population of four. One policeman and one priest service Comino and its inhabitants. The island gets its name from the cumin seed which prospered in the Maltese Islands. This island is known for tranquillity and isolation, along with its cliffs and rock climbing options.

Gozo is the second largest of the three and is 26 square miles in size, with 31,000 citizens. There are 17 villages, which include Gozo’s capital city Victoria (Rabat). This island is known by the saying, ‘the land where time stood still.’


The islands are a popular filming area and movies such as Gladiator, U-571, Monte Cristo, along with several others were filmed on the beautiful landscapes and beaches. Many movie stars have visited and worked here. Saint Mary’s Tower was part of the movie The Count of Monte Cristo and doubled as Château d’If.

Mid-November through mid-May the islands are known for being green and lush. The Maltese islands are massively covered with growing vegetables as well as roadsides lined with fennel, clover, myrtle, and wild irises. There are more than forty health spa outlets throughout the islands, with most hotels having them on site. You can also opt for trekking, paragliding, or public and competitive golf, just to name a few. There are several boat rental companies and they can supply almost any type of aquatic device desired.


Islands — 1 Comment

  1. I am planning to go to Malta some time during the next winter, and since I am looking for peace and quiet with good sporting opportunities, Comino sounds like an ideal choice. But what about accommodation there, is there any hotel or hostel I could stay, and how much earlier should I make a booking? Any advice and hints are most welcome, especially from someone that has actually been to Comino.

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