is a website written to all of you who love to travel and discover new countries and locations. If you haven’t been to Malta yet, we hope this site will provide you with the sparkle to do so. If you are searching for information regards Malta, after deciding it shall be your next destination, we hope you find plenty of information that helps you plan an unforgettable trip to these lovely Mediterranean islands.

We have gathered here both factual information that might be useful as well as personal impressions and experiences. Naturally each of us sees things from a unique angle, and the old saying “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” is valid, but we believe that Malta truly is amongst the places one must visit. The islands are laden with natural wonders, historic buildings, unique atmosphere and today’s conveniences. There aren’t too many places in the world that can offer it all within so few square kilometers.

If you have any comments, please leave them to the specific page they refer to. That way you can help fellow travelers make the most of their holidays. Open discussion is always welcome, as long as it remains polite and relates to Malta. Any general impressions, remarks and wishes relating to the site can be written on this page. You can even contact us with email: info(at)

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